

When I was like 14 years old there's a 13 year old girl that was infatuated with. She wore this really killer crinkly nylon windbreaker suit. We were at an event and she sat on my shoulders to get a better View, I felt so amazing to feel the warmth of her through those choking Island pants against my neck.
When I was like 14 years old there's a 13 year old girl that was infatuated with. She wore this really killer crinkly nylon windbreaker suit. We were at an event and she sat on my shoulders to get a better View, I felt so amazing to feel the warmth of her through those choking Island pants against my neck.
The nylon seems even softer when warm. So delicate it creases under pressure.
When I was like 14 years old there's a 13 year old girl that was infatuated with. She wore this really killer crinkly nylon windbreaker suit. We were at an event and she sat on my shoulders to get a better View, I felt so amazing to feel the warmth of her through those choking Island pants against my neck.
I have the same swishy sensation back when I was 14 and this girl was 12. We were at a Parade route and I was able to hoist her up on my shoulders for hours and feel her sexy nylon pants rubbing against my neck. Back to her house she had three different types of pants suits, and I told her how sexy and gorgeous she looked in those. And she put another pair on for me and we kind of snuggled up in my room. We went back downstairs and she put on the other pair of nylon Squishy Pants and wrestle her legs into my lap. Her dad instantly picked up on the fact that I was intrigued by this and turned on by it, he discouraged this Behavior. As time went on she left me one pair of her sexy swishy crinkle purple nylon pants and told me I could have them. I'm 53 and still have those pants to this day. They still feel so snuggly and warm I love them

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Women (SFW)
The good shiny stuff
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