Check in


Well-known member
Staff member
May 8, 2012
hey everyone i just wanted to check in as i know i havent been on here much recently. work has been picking up and i dont have a lot of energy to be on the computer afterwards. i dont think hunter is coming back and he hasnt replied to my emails for awhile now so ill just be trying to make sure the site stays up and running so we have a community for this kink. the costs are covered by ads so i would appreciate if you don't use ad blockers if you dont mind.

something i wanted to bring up with everyone is that this site is for sharing content related to shiny sportswear and athletic gear in particular. i bring this up because i saw while hunter was the owner of the site a user had posted over 8000 images of someone in rain coats and was largely not of interest to the community and he didnt do or say anything about it. ive removed all that content and let them know of a alternative place they could upload that content but please remember to keep the content relevant and title and tag your content as much as you can. again if you dont understand how tagging works please ask before you do. it can create a mess for others if people make overly specific tags.

if you have problems using the site let me know and ill try my best to work on it. thanks for being part of the community and if you meet others online who share this kink please invite them here.

one final note to the guys here: please do not harass women in the community for personal details in public or private. i encourage anyone being repeatedly asked for personal information to:
1. make your wish for privacy known and update your profile preferences accordingly
2. report members doing this to you using the report function or by messaging me if they don't respect or ignore your wishes

i call out men harassing women in particular because thats when it happens the most often but harassment in general is not allowed. please be respectful to one another.
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Well-known member
Staff member
May 8, 2012
hello everyone,

three issues keep coming up:

i really need you guys to follow the rules regarding SFW and NSFW content. please post them in the correct areas. it comes down to a basic question: would you feel comfortable pulling up a photo or video on your computer or phone at work with others around? if the answer is no it goes in NSFW forums or categories. the only exception to this are private albums where you share with specific people only.

the second issue is some people are creating a new album for single photos. albums are meant to be collections of photos. creating a new album for one photo helps nobody and makes a mess for managing them. please use your existing albums or use the predefined categories and only create a new one if it makes sense to.

third is that some people are still not giving their uploads meaningful titles. if you have series of photos that are related, title one and copy paste it to the others and add a different number. this is the most important thing you can do to help new people find this community.

i will give everyone a chance to read this but if this continues to be a problem i'll have no choice but to start suspending accounts to get the point across and banning those who can't follow these basic requests. this is already a very small community, please don't make it smaller by making it difficult to manage.

thank you

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