Gallery tidy up


Well-known member
Staff member
Mar 13, 2021
I have just removed around 200+ empty gallery folders which have been created many years ago and held no content.
These were (imho) making the gallery difficult to navigate, so i would be interested if people now find this an improvement.

I may if I get time rename some of the historic albums to give them a more meaningful name (if any of you have gallery folders with ambiguous names please try and update them). I have also removed some historic albums which were nothing to do with the sites subject of interest (mainly a couple about video games and some about mud that had no sportswear/shiny clothes involved).

Moving forward, please try and give your content meaningful names (not just 0000012334534534.jpg) and some nice tags to help surface the images, tags don't need to be anything special, just the brand, the item or something about the person or what they are doing is fine (i.e "adidas", "windpants", "blonde" etc is perfect), it all helps people out.

Please do not create gallery folders with no content - it seemed the same members over and over again doing this and this will be treated as spam!
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Well-known member
May 4, 2011
Not sure if there’s an easy way to do so but eliminating as much of the duplicate photos as possible would clean this site up considerably. There’s so much content on here it’s easy for one to repost a photo so I don’t fault no one for that. One example how many times have we seen the photos of Katy Perry in her purple jacket & shorts reposted on here? I bet it’s more than a half dozen.

Cubitus the misunderstood

Well-known member
Staff member
Feb 3, 2021
I would agree to this... We don't need doubles of doubles we've seen enough. And yes, i think when the owner of an account close his account or is inactive for time X, admins should be free to erase contents when not needed... why not?


Well-known member
Staff member
Mar 13, 2021
I would agree to this... We don't need doubles of doubles we've seen enough. And yes, i think when the owner of an account close his account or is inactive for time X, admins should be free to erase contents when not needed... why not?
We are free to!, I would be more than happy to delete a number of old folders where I feel content is "weak", but that then becomes very subjective, and as this is a small community, I am not about that, at the moment there is absolutely no reason to delete content.

I did delete a number of gallery folders which were not connected to the concept of sportswear/shiny clothes at all, examples are: people playing video games (a set of 2 min videos of someone playing a Zelda type game with the camera constantly focused on screen is not on topic, even if the poster writes "playing 'X' while wearing track pants" as the title), various mud photo's where nobody was wearing sports/shiny clothing, a couple of out of context pics of panties, and a couple of crossdresser pictures again where they were not dressed in a manner compatible with the sites genre (I have no issue with CD/Trans images - i would probably encourage them, but again they should be in the context of sportswear/shiny clothes).
I think i had about 40 additional candidate folders for deletion yesterday but they ARE sports/shiny related so I want to look at the stats first.

As i tried to make clear earlier, I do not want to remove what might be popular content which other members may be enjoying just because to me it looks like junk.
Just for context some of these historic folders with 1 item I am referring to seem to have had hundreds of views, nobody is asking for them to be removed so I don't see any reason to.


Well-known member
Staff member
Mar 13, 2021
Not sure if there’s an easy way to do so but eliminating as much of the duplicate photos as possible would clean this site up considerably. There’s so much content on here it’s easy for one to repost a photo so I don’t fault no one for that. One example how many times have we seen the photos of Katy Perry in her purple jacket & shorts reposted on here? I bet it’s more than a half dozen.
There are multiples of many pictures, and i do agree, unfortunately I dont have time to go through almost 70,000 pictures to check.
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Well-known member
May 4, 2011
There are multiples of many pictures, and i do agree, unfortunately I dont have time to go through almost 70,000 pictures to check.
Yeah I figured it would be a very large task so there should be no expectation on that. Your approach on cleaning things up based on popularity sounds fair to me.


Well-known member
Staff member
Mar 13, 2021
Well searching for and deleting those albums took a good couple of hours to complete, if i see anything obviously duplicated ill delete it, but can't really go into each folder to check all the images, ideally each image should have proper tags but historically that has not been the case.

Its worth noting that there has not been any requirement to delete any content to make more space etc, I removed some old empty folders as it was frustrating looking for images, in a way I am surprised at the desire for removing gallery content amongst other members of the community, however i will try and get these pages looking a bit tidier and easier to play with if i can.
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Well-known member
Staff member
Dec 3, 2021
I have just removed around 200+ empty gallery folders which have been created many years ago and held no content.
These were (imho) making the gallery difficult to navigate, so i would be interested if people now find this an improvement.

I may if I get time rename some of the historic albums to give them a more meaningful name (if any of you have gallery folders with ambiguous names please try and update them). I have also removed some historic albums which were nothing to do with the sites subject of interest (mainly a couple about video games and some about mud that had no sportswear/shiny clothes involved).

Moving forward, please try and give your content meaningful names (not just 0000012334534534.jpg) and some nice tags to help surface the images, tags don't need to be anything special, just the brand, the item or something about the person or what they are doing is fine (i.e "adidas", "windpants", "blonde" etc is perfect), it all helps people out.

Please do not create gallery folders with no content - it seemed the same members over and over again doing this and this will be treated as spam!
Browsing the album category, I‘d say it would be time for another tidy up 😅…

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