Your first nylon attraction .


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2014
I say this cautiously, because this is definitely NOT like, a thing with me, but it was my mom. When I was a little kid, she had a pink shellsuit, and seeing her in it made me feel weird. I had a couple pairs of windpants, and they made me feel weird too. Now I realize that it was the same feeling I get now when I wear and see women in nylon.


Deleted member 5312

Well-known member
Jul 22, 2019
Its fascinating what got us all started , myn was my blue nylon parka when I was a kid . My mum would wash it and I would watch it dry on the washing line then she would iron it and I'd put it on nice and warm , that's when I got nice sensations .



Sep 21, 2016
My first nylon attraction?  That began in 3rd grade.  This girl (which was in ONE of the same classes as me - this was back in 3rd grade, mind you) wore a pair of nylon pants that were mostly purple (there were some colored dots) and a purple jacket (the girl was wearing them - in the classroom, no less)!   Then another day that same girl wore black nylon pants and a white sweatshirt.  That girl was brown-haired too (she was in the 3rd Grade too).


Deleted member 3701

Well-known member
Aug 29, 2014
I lived out of the city a bit, so I never got to hang out with with other kids from school very much. They all seemed to wear Umbros and nike/adidas shorts all of the time.  And my family was not as affluent as some of the other families.  The nylon stuff was a lot more expensive then (it is now again too), so I ended up with cheaper clothing I had to wear to school.

i think that’s what started it, it became the “forbidden fruit” for me.  Couldn’t afford it, everybody that wore it was basically out of my league for hanging out with (or asking to borrow some to wear)

In junior high, I finally had the breakthrough.  There was a lost and found bin in the Phys. Ed locker room.  I saw a pair of Nike shorts and a pair of Umbro shorts in there once.  I took them, and ended up wearing them in gym class the rest of the year.  Ended up getting another pair of umbro’s and my first pair of nylon pants that way too.

The nylon pants and jackets started exploding the next couple years, everybody in the world was wearing the black adidas pants with the 3 stripes down the leg.  So was I, at that point.  It was ON!!  lol



New member
Aug 20, 2019
When I was in 7th grade (around '91-92) a girl I had a crush on started wearing a Nike tracksuit that was purple, teal, and white.  Sometimes she would wear the whole suit with a turtle neck underneath, other times was the pants with a sweatshirt, or other times was the jacket with a turtle neck and jeans.  No matter what I was fascinated by her and the nylon.  I secretly searched for a suit like that while out with my parents.  Having a job provided the money to buy one if I ever found it.  Unfortunately I never did, but found a pair of boys swim trunks a few months later that were the same material and had the purple color.  To this day I'm still searching for a suit like hers as my "holy grail".  I still fascinate about that suit and her from time to time

Of course during those middle and high school years other girls were wearing nylon in one fashion or another.  I especially loved game days when the cheerleaders wore their warmups.  Also our gym teacher wore nylon everyday which didn't help my addiction at all.  LOL.  But let's not forget these were the years that Umbro shorts were popular along with a few Nike styles.  I was about going nuts considering this new found attraction and going through puberty.  

Now with the Nike Tempo shorts being so popular I'm smiling almost constantly watching women. Thankfully my Wife likes to wear nylon pants sometimes in the cooler weather. Just wish I could get her to wear the Tempo short more often.  Hopefully I can get my old laptop revived and upload the nylon pics I have saved on it.  



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2011
Now with the Nike Tempo shorts being so popular I'm smiling almost constantly watching women. Thankfully my Wife likes to wear nylon pants sometimes in the cooler weather. Just wish I could get her to wear the Tempo short more often.  Hopefully I can get my old laptop revived and upload the nylon pics I have saved on it.  
Love those Nike tempo shorts, while they're not the same as a full blown pair of track pants, they are a welcome site!



Well-known member
Feb 10, 2022
I was very young. About 9 or 10. I had an insulated nylon ski jacket, the top half was beige and the bottom half navy blue. The two colors were separated in the middle of the jacket by a burgundy stripe and a white stripes. The jacket had a nylon lining. I would put the jacket on my bed post after wearing it and at night, pull it off the bed post and drag it under the covers and grind my *** on the back of it.


New member
Jul 10, 2023
I was 3 or 4 years old when I felt drawn to wear and caress the yellow nylon coat (with the thin white cotton lining) I wore when I was a 1.5-2 year old baby. My penis rose and gave me pleasant sensations. Occasionally when my parents weren't home, I took it out of the closet and put it on. Once the nanny saw me with it and told my parents, so they asked me and I didn't know how to explain to them why I was attracted to wearing it. When we moved to another apartment it suddenly disappeared, but a few years later my mother sent me to deliver old clothes to a distribution center and among them I found "my" coat. I immediately hid it in a drawer and went to hand over the rest of the clothes. It barely cost me, but I enjoyed wearing it when I went to bed. My parents caught me sleeping with him and decided to kick him out of the house, and so more years passed with great deprivation. I once asked my father to buy me a nylon-coated winter coat, but he explained to me that it was not of such high quality. When I was 13 years old, I was staying with my grandmother and found in her closet a purple nylon coat belonging to my young aunt. I asked my grandmother for permission to wear it and she was surprised but agreed, so I enjoyed using it every now and then when I came to visit. One day my aunt came to visit my parents and brought the purple jacket with her. She said grandma sent it for me. I blushed a lot, because it was not accepted at all in our religious society for a boy to wear a girl's jacket and I apologized to my mother who must have meant my sister. My sister wore it once or twice and left it hanging on the hanger. So I took it with me to boarding school and enjoyed wearing it in the bathroom. That's how a year passed. One day I was alone in a boarding school room. I put it on and took the penis out of the pants and caressed it with the sleeves of the jacket. I didn't understand what was happening but suddenly he got completely hard, stood up straight and after 2 seconds started to squirt. I was shocked by the situation and thought I was a big sinner, so after it happened one or two more times I decided to burn it. I burned it in an open area, but the attraction did not let go of me, and 5-6 months later I bought myself a padded blue nylon jacket. I also burned it two months later, but after a few months I realized it wasn't working. I bought another red one again. And I wore it from time to time in secret. It was made of polyester and appealed to me less, but I couldn't find a replacement. A few years later I bought gray nylons again, thinking that when I got married I wouldn't need those coats because I could squirt my wife's *****. But very soon after the wedding at the age of 22, I rushed to the store and convinced her to buy a pink nylon jacket. She actually liked it but didn't want to wear it during sex. Two months later I bought another turquoise jacket and dared to ask my wife to let me wear it. So I slowly explained to her that it makes me ***** when we both wear it, and occasionally she agreed to have sex while we wear it, but it was initially accompanied by major crises. Today I have a collection of dozens of coats in different colors and patterns and I really enjoy wearing them while having sex, my wife agrees but does not enjoy it. So now if you've read to the end and connect with the idea, do you agree with me? If so, write to me and maybe we can meet and fulfill the fantasy together out of mutual pleasure


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2022
For me, it started in earnest around 6th grade or so. Girls at school would often wear Adidas or Nike windpants and jackets. I thought it was strange but oddly satisfying to wear a jacket indoors all day. Hearing the swishy nylon drove me nuts. Especially because I had a pair of black and white Adidas windpants at home that my mom bought me to to wear while playing in the snow but my mom thought it was dumb to wear "snow pants" to school. And then thought the rest of the 90s and early 2000s all I could do was look with envy at all of those hot swishy girls, especially the athletes and cheerleaders who wore their nylon warmups to school on game days. But secretly, I had two extra pairs of nylon pants hidden under my bed along with a Columbia insulated jacket that I'd put on and play in when my mom wasn't home. I nearly got caught twice by her, and one time involved some self bondage, but those are stories for another time!


New member
Aug 29, 2023
I can remember exactly: it was during my first scout camp, when I was about 11-12, probably still pre-pubescent. My mother had provided a pair of shorts as part of the list of required items to take to the camp. I had not seen them before and I don't know where they came from (perhaps another parent - it was quite common in my family to have "hand me down" clothes). They were 80s soccer shorts, made of VERY shiny nylon in a strong red colour, plain with no logo or stripes etc, and no innerslip. I had not had any clothing like this before since I was generally an indoors kid, nerdy and not at all sporty. The only other time I would wear shorts was for PE - but the uniform shorts we had to wear at school were made of a much thicker cotton material. The first full day of camp I put on the shorts, without underwear (even though they were unlined - for some reason it didn't even cross my mind). I remember being apprehensive not because of that but due to being very self-conscious of my very pale white skin. But upon stepping out of the tent I soon found I absolutely loved both how the material itself felt, and also the feeling of freedom from wearing something so lightweight - almost as if there was nothing there!

I wore those shorts a lot that summer, but then when winter came they disappeared (as seemed to happen to a lot of our clothes when we were kids) and I forgot all about them. It was many years later, thanks to my first boyfriend, that I rediscovered the sensual pleasure of nylon clothing - but that's another story!


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2022
My first burst of nylon jacket fetish was around 10 years old. I had already had an attraction to nylon jackets at that age. I had an insulated nylon ski jacket that was color blocked, navy blue, tan with maroon and white stripes dividing the two colors. I had an attraction to it. My fetish "kick-in" began at that age while I was watching Pro wrestling on TV. There was a wrestler already in the ring, awaiting his opponent for the match. He stood in the ring wearing his wrestling tights along with a shiny navy blue snap front windbreaker with the white cotton lining. The jacket was half way snapped up. His opponent charged the ring in an abrupt rage, quickly going under the ring ropes then charging across the ring, attacking the jacketed wrestler as he pounded his forearms across his back and while my excitement and "shock" was starting to set in, the aggressive wrestler grabs the back of the shiny helpless jacket and begins ripping the nylon very quickly!! MY EXCITEMENT BEGAN !!! I remember that from long ago because it took my nylon jacket fetish to another level.

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